Fifty years after their disappearance, the Canarian stages can revive, for ninety minutes, the mystery of ‘El Fausto’ thanks to the theater play designed by Delirium Teatro. The text [...]
The Jury of the Lanzarote Muestra de Cine will decide the Best Film Award of its eighth edition. It will do so in a special way: through deliberation open to the public, which will allow [...]
The twelfth edition of the International Circus Festival ‘MalabHaría’ will take place on Lanzarote from next December 29 and until January 4. On this occasion, the festival will [...]
“Even the monsters are nice looking at the place where we look for the beloved woman.” This sentence pronounced in the mouth of Fausto, found in the book of the same name written by [...]
The Gran Canaria Big Band celebrates the tenth anniversary of its traditional Christmas concert at the Cuyás Theater. It was in 2009 when these concerts began that the Gran Canaria band year [...]
The Opereta Humanoide quartet, characterized “fundamentally by the shocking spectacle and the scenic brutality that springs from them in the live shows”, according to [...]
The astonished looks of the neighbors preceded the insistent questions about what they are observing. A ccrowd of young people have been walking the streets of their neighborhood for days, moving [...]
The 8th Lanzarote Film Festival was for three years under the direction of Tenerife-born filmmaker Víctor Moreno, who on this occasion has come to the festival as a guest to present us ‘The [...]
The Argentine painter Susana Pannullo exposes from this Wednesday November 28 and until January 28, the exhibition “Of the Spiritual in Art” in the House of Culture of the Villa de [...]
The eighth edition of La Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote, directed by Javier Fuentes and managed by the Tenique Film Association, will screen the Official Competition films until Friday. From today, [...]
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