Diciembre, 2018
21dic8:00 pm'Cantautores que acompañan', concert

Event Details
'Cantautores que acompañan' is a musical project whose objective is to make known and promote different singer-songwriters of the islands. And also collaborate with the 'Asociación acompañar', which is dedicated
Event Details
‘Cantautores que acompañan’ is a musical project whose objective is to make known and promote different singer-songwriters of the islands. And also collaborate with the ‘Asociación acompañar’, which is dedicated to help and psychological support in grief and serious illness. Eleven musicians from Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and Cuba are the ones who will participate in this year’s edition: Sergio Padrón, Yosán Pereda, Maru Cabrera, Elisa Felipe, Estefanía Curbelo, Laura Cox, Yarel Hernández, Yoriell Carmona, Ari Jiménez and Jesús Garriga.
Date: Friday, December 21, 2018, at 8:00 p.m.
Duration: 120 minutes
Recommended age: all the public.
Tickets: € 10 strong>
(Ticket sales: In El Patio Créperie and the Estilo store (Teguise) and Veganito de El Charco (Arrecife)
(Viernes) 8:00 pm
Convento de Santo Domingo