Diciembre, 2018
10dic(dic 10)8:30 pm12(dic 12)10:30 pmXIII Conferences in honor of Dr. Molina Orosa

Event Details
Conferences of remembrance and tribute to Dr. Don José Molina Orosa Monday, December 10 20:30. Lecture: "The problem of the origin of the Universe" with the presentation of the book "Theology
Event Details
Conferences of remembrance and tribute to Dr. Don José Molina Orosa
Monday, December 10
20:30. Lecture: “The problem of the origin of the Universe” with the presentation of the book “Theology of the Creation of the Universe and of the relationship of God with his cosmic work” by Prof. Dr. Francisco González de Posada, Professor of Physics, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Dr. in Theology, Ph.D. in Philosophy and Honor Scholar of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (District of the Canary Islands)
Tuesday, December 11
20:30. Conference: “Mosquitos. Deadly diseases vectors “given by Prof. Dr. José Ramón Calvo Fernández, MD, Professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Full Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and the Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Humanities of Lanzarote.
Wednesday, December 12
20:30. Solemn ACT OF TAKING OF POSSESSION as Corresponding Academician in the United Kingdom of the Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Humanities of Lanzarote of the MSc. D. Bill Ferguson BSc (Hons) Pure Chemistry, MSc Agricultural Biochemistry, MRSC Chartered Chemist Entrance Speech: “Western Medical Acupuncture / Western Medical Acupuncture”.
10 (Lunes) 8:30 pm - 12 (Miercoles) 10:30 pm
Hotel Lancelot
Av. de la Mancomunidad, 9, 35500 Arrecife, Las Palmas